How do Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton compare on the issues?

Tomorrow, the American people will be heading to the polls in an effort to select the lesser of two evils and decide which direction the country will be headed — is […]

Here’s a complete timeline of Hillary Clinton’s run for the U.S. presidency

With an increasing amount of support arising from swing state voters, moderates, women, minorities, young people and even some within the GOP, Hillary Clinton is primed to become the first […]

Here’s a complete timeline of Donald J. Trump’s run for the U.S. presidency

Although his insult-driven debate performance won over some fans on the internet, many from within the GOP are calling for Donald Trump to step aside in his run at the White […]

Here’s how to have an Election Day party

Election Day is upon us, so what better way to celebrate the end of this nasty campaign cycle than to host a real party of your own that’s fully capable […]

What happened to ‘hope’ and ‘change’ in this year’s elections?

In Decision ’16 we were quick to find out that lengthy promises of a new, glittering land of full-employment and high tech solutions with choices for everyone were not to […]