Sunday blunch with @MonthlyPuroresu Summer issue. All the articles were so well done reported n I enjoyed so much! Not only puroresu info but also how to express n describe wrestlers in English! I learned a lot, n loved it❤️ 日本で新日本以外の団体も観てみたいよ!最高‼︎ pic.twitter.com/MuMg976lru
— Rayco (@raycoffy) November 6, 2022
From one trailblazer to another, it was awesome to get a Q&A with @IAmJericho for MP Issue #10.
In his new book, he reveres Genichiro Tenryu — even though Tenryu would leave boot lace marks on Jericho’s face! pic.twitter.com/YsqhMgbQuY
— Thom Fain (@ThomFain) November 18, 2022
One of the best in the world, our cover star, @syuri_wv3s with her copy of Monthly Puroresu.
Get yours today to see what she had to say in our interview: https://t.co/jRAPSq6kp7 pic.twitter.com/UiujGKSm5q
— Monthly Puroresu (@MonthlyPuroresu) September 4, 2022
- Los Angeles, Pomona, and Long Beach, California
- Manchester, Britain and Nottingham, Britan
- New York City
My sports photography becomes sharper with every outing, giving us more creative assets for the magazine.
This Friday, @MadKing1981 has another challenge in @AEW against his dream opponent, the known Fifth Pillar, @jun0917start.
This match is Kingston's biggest match to date. A chance to prove himself as shiny as an emerald, and as fiery as his burning heart. He must win. pic.twitter.com/9DJJCWPSuV
— Monthly Puroresu (@MonthlyPuroresu) November 15, 2022
.@MinaShirakawa sure seemed proud of herself at #njRumble – and had every right to be.
Check our extensive piece on Mina’s appeal beyond the looks, the glamor, the magazine star into the heart of a rising #joshi wrestler.
READ: https://t.co/CHlFQ0iGOz pic.twitter.com/bw4WamsDmB
— Monthly Puroresu (@MonthlyPuroresu) October 30, 2022
With the legendary Fumi Saito continuing to act as our Editorial Advisor, we look to publish a very special Issue #11 – although it won’t be until Spring. The challenge from here, and I admit to being a better creative director, editor and multimedia journalist than any sort of businessman …is finding retail partners, and a publishing partner. With a multitude of website and UX improvements behind us this year along with four fantastic print issues, my hope is that 2023 will bring Monthly Puroresu the opportunity to reach more hands with better distribution.
Until then, I’ll be continuing to grow along with the team and hope to have an even bigger update from Tokyo, Japan for my next post.