It’s very easy for highly educated editors to mull over the many reasons Donald Trump is unqualified to be Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces: His Twitter quickly reveals temperamental outbursts and school yard style bullying, recordings of him question his empathy for certain people, he has approximately no foreign policy knowledge.
And Trump is only vaguely aware of the inner workings of Washington, D.C. as a one-time television star and a city slicking real-estate developer more used to buying politicians than getting into the legislative process himself.
He is so far outside of the Washington political sphere, a sphere of people who have severely let down the people once known as “middle class,” and he is a refreshing burst of authenticity. But why exactly does the blue-collar voter, and an uncounted silent mass, really love Trump?
Here are five reasons we could think of:
He serves as a giant middle finger to the Washington elite
Actually liking the man (or what he has to say) is totally different than showing his style some love, and many voters seem to.
Perhaps nobody has captured this sentiment better than “TrumpLand” producer and liberal activist Michael Moore, who recently proclaimed that “Trump’s election is going to be the biggest ‘f–k you’ ever recorded in human history — and it will feel good … he’s saying the things to people who are hurting, and that’s why every beaten-down, nameless, forgotten working stiff who used to be part of what was called the middle class loves Trump.”
And while Bernie Bros. upset with the perceived crookedness in the current system didn’t flock to Trump en masse, he’s got a legion of followers willing to pick up a musket should he lose the election. That’s devotion.
He serves as a giant middle finger to the Corporate elite
Perhaps no other issue than building a wall along the southern border of the U.S. has been so central to Trump’s campaign speeches other than this: Nix free trade agreements, and promise steep tariffs on corporate leaders who refuse his demands to bring their production facilities back to the U.S.
Trump can make “good deals,” he says. And for all the big businesses who hire cheap labor overseas and dodge their federal taxes in Ireland, the people who love The Donald trust him to pick up the phone, and shout two stern words into the speaker: “You’re fired!”
He says exactly what he is thinking
Many voters are weary of politicians that will make promises on the campaign trail, and live another life once elected in office. The legislators hailing from Harvard Law or Yale Law like Hillary and Obama have not given the people a square deal. So in Trump there’s a lot to love: An authenticity and bravado missing from the polished elitism common in today’s career politicians. Even if he flip-flops on the issues, he never backs down from revealing how he thinks in the moment.
Trump has shown a “Stone Cold” Steve Austin sort of attitude in arenas all across the nation, has walked right up to the doors of American manufacturers, looked them in the eye and given them a “stunner”: 35 percent tax if you ship these jobs away from our soil.
He’s going to restore the American Middle-Class

AP Photo/ Evan Vucci
…And Make America Great Again. There’s a chance that if you’re reading this, you have the opportunity to do so because of a nice desk job in an air conditioned office space far removed from the realities of laborers who work to provide services and goods in an effort to support their families.
Now that those jobs are no longer in America, Trump’s business expertise gives his supporters hope that if they show him a little love and bring him to power in the Oval Office, the nation’s 12.9 percent of underemployed will once again have a chance become providers. His fans don’t want welfare, they want jobs.
He’s not Hillary Clinton
There is enough seething hatred for the former FLOTUS that, above all, will push independents and others to show Trump some love as the race winds down and Election Day draws nearer. Thus far with two candidates who a majority of candidates dislike, many down-the-middle voters have been reluctant to choose the best of the bad.
But in the case of Trump, who echoes even Bernie Sanders at times, he represents an anti-establishment opportunity to shake up the system — the furthest thing from Clinton’s status as a lifelong politician all too familiar with the backroom deals and White House galas making Americans wary of more of the same.