While progressives emphatically called their opposition “on the wrong side of history” this election, it is they, the Democrats, who are still reeling from the loss with a confounded message and without any clear leader to take the party in a new direction after President Obama leaves office on January 20.

While contemporary outrage culture and the Internet come to terms with the results of America’s own Brexit, leftist leaders in Washington are beginning to coalesce around progressives such as the 67-year-old Elizabeth Warren and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer.

Schumer has called upon Senate Dems to create a barrier to Trump’s dictums as he attempts to build a wall, repeal Obamacare and get the economy roaring again.

Here are some of the overlooked rising Democratic stars, as the party stares uphill at the challenge of reclaiming its lost ground:

Julian Castro

Congressman Joaquin Castro and his twin brother, San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro discuss Texas politics, demographics, and 2018 during a conversation moderated by Evan Smith, CEO and Editor-in-Chief of the Texas Tribune, the evening’s co-sponsor.

Congressman Joaquin Castro and his twin brother, San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro discuss Texas politic (Wikimedia Commons)

The Castro brothers have long been rising to prominence in the Lone Star State, but it wasn’t until President Obama invited San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro to become the Housing and Urban Development secretary that their name really began to gain national prominence.

He was also reportedly vetted to become Hillary Clinton’s VP pick, although that honor ultimately went to Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia. Still, the 42-year-old Castro commands a special spotlight as the Democrats regroup and asks young leaders to step forward in a time of inner turmoil.

Sen. Cory Booker

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

The 47-year-old Yale Law graduate channels some of the same trademark charisma that helped President Obama build the coalition that helped him into office. But even Booker recognized the monumental failure of Democrats to give the people an economic message that resonates with them in an autopsy provided to the Washington Post.

For the Democratic Party, this moment demands an epic gut check,” he said. “We lost an election but we are not defeated. I pray we have the humility to reach out to those who differ with us, the empathy to listen to the legitimate concerns and demands of many Trump supporters, the courage to fight through cynicism and despair, and the grit to relentlessly fight for an America that advances opportunity and justice for all of our citizens.”

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand

Wikimedia Commons

Wikimedia Commons

Gillbrand took over the seat left open by Hillary Clinton when she accepted Obama’s offer for secretary of state. The 49-year-old has made a name for herself with efforts to promote awareness over over the sort of sexual assault taking place too commonly on college campuses across America.

While she has publicly championed women’s confidence to lead, she has also been busy at work in Washington. She’s cosponsored 280 bills and resolutions introduced by other Members of Congress, fourth most in the Senate and she ranks as the 10th most progressive senator on Capitol Hill.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

The 35-year-old Gabbard made headlines during primary season, when she became an early supporter of Bernie Sanders and shunned Hillary Clinton in her attempt to become the nation’s first female president.

The former Army major is a Hindu, and served in the Iraq War before joining Tammy Duckworth as two of the first female combat vets to transition into politics following their years of service. She made headlines again in November, when she met with President-elect Donald Trump over his policy concerning national defense and the conflict in Syria.

Rep. Joe Kennedy III

U.S. Congressman Joseph Kennedy III, of D-Mass. (Butch Comegys/The Times Tribune via AP)

U.S. Congressman Joseph Kennedy III, of D-Mass. (Butch Comegys/The Times Tribune via AP)

The great-grandson of RFK is a graduate of Harvard Law, and sits on the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce at just 36-years-old following a stint in the Peace Corps.

At a time of omnipresent technology and limited opportunity, the hopefulness and limits of American imagination that the Kennedy name arouses may become useful to the Democrats as they seek to redefine their identity. Under Obama’s watch, Whites vanished from the party and the Democrats lost 900 legislative seats — but count Kennedy’s as one they retained.