We’re only days away from an election that national polls showed Hillary Clinton leading the race for by double digits barely two weeks ago, when now there’s only a 1% difference between her and insurgent businessman Donald Trump.

So it’s no surprise that some funny things happened, on top of the FBI getting involved by tweeting and opening new investigations into Clinton.

While that “November Surprise” may be stealing headlines down the stretch, social media was buzzing over a lot of other anomalies from Florida to Texas.

Here’s a few funny things that happened the week of Oct. 31:

Texas Ag Commissioner tweets ‘C–T’ in reference to Hillary

My, my. It appears as if this knockdown, drag out election fight has drug all sorts of people in high places down into the mud with the sort of repugnance that has the totality of America just ready for it to be over. It appeared Sid Miller, the Texas Ag Commissioner, was adding to the low blows this week with the following tweet:


After a public apology, his communications director told My San Antonio that the campaign had been hacked and they’re “trying to get to the bottom of it.”


#ImWithTur starts trending after The Donald lashes out

Journalists took to social media to support one of their own with the #ImWithTur hash tag, after at a rally in Florida, Trump pointed at the direction of media in attendance and singled out MSNBC’s Katy Tur.

There’s something happening. They’re not reporting it. Katy—you’re not reporting it, Katy,” said Trump. “But there’s something happening, Katy. There’s something happening, Katy,” he told 4,000 supporters, who immediately began booing her.

The corrupt media, according to Trump, is a central force behind the “rigged” election. Trump’s beef with Tur goes back to last December, as Fortune noted in their timeline of the beef.

Trump forces himself to stay ‘cool’

Speaking of rallies in Florida, Trump made headlines when he appeared to forcibly remind himself aloud to stay on message. “We’ve gotta be nice and cool. Nice and cool. Stay on point, Donald. Stay on point,” he said to himself.

White nationalists have a bad, colorful week

First, the Trump campaign condemned a pro-Trump robocall made in Utah by a white nationalist who called  Independent candidate Evan McMullin  a “closet homosexual.”

Then, just about the worst possible thing happened after the KKK’s newspaper officially endorsed the Trump-Pence ticket, which “disgusted” the campaign — Eric Trump literally said former Imperial Wizard David Duke was better off dead.

“The guy does deserve a bullet. I mean, these aren’t good people. These are horrible people,” he said. “In fact, I commend my father. My father’s the first Republican who’s gone out and said, ‘Listen, what’s happened to the African-American community is horrible and I’m going to take care of it.'”

Stephen Colbert embraces all conspiracies this week

Decision ’16 has been called The Conspiracy Theorists’ Election. With so much misinformation being peddled around the internet these days, and folks’ newsfeeds becoming a strange blend of reportage, distraction, and conspiracy, “The Late Show” host went all-in on every bit of “news” he could ind asking himself — Why not believe everything.

Here’s what happened: