As we wind down the final three weeks of election season and think back to some of its highlight moments, there are plenty to choose from after the third presidential debate gave us new colloquial such as “bad hombres” and also a reason to stay on the edge of our seats down the stretch.
That is to say, three new polls following the debate actually show Donald Trump with a slight advantage over Hillary Clinton as Election Day draws near.
And guess what? Even if he loses, you’re pretty much guaranteed a whole lot more Trump on screens big and small, even though the headline grabbing anti-politician may be easier to tune out once the new president is finally sworn into office.
That, and more crazy news from the week of Oct. 17:
Trump TV? Count on it

Rick T. Wilking/Pool via AP
Many within contemporary outrage culture believe that Trump has just not expanded his appeal beyond a militant base of alt-right supporters, and could face a landslide loss at the Nov. 8 election. But perhaps that’s where ousted Fox News big whig and Trump campaign confidant Roger Ailes comes in?
Regardless, Ivanka’s husband Jared Kushner stoked the flames of the mass media rumor mill when news surfaced this week that he’s spoken with an investment bank about a “Trump” brand TV network. And then after a Facebook Live event by Team Trump, news media went nuts over the issue: NBC News, CNN Money, NPR, Fortune, and GQ among others published headlines over the perceived inevitability of such a network.
Naked statue of Hillary inflames New Yorkers
Remember those naked statues of Donald Trump that everyone laughed about? Well, this time an artist rendition of the former first lady caused a melee between pro-Clinton observers and her detractors when a naked statue appeared in New York. The statue itself was …pretty scary, people.
Trump’s special guest at the debates … Obama’s brother?
For reasons unbeknownst to really anybody, Trump invited media personality Sarah Palin to the debates along with another special guest — President Obama’s Kenyan brother, who we hope wasn’t too shocked and dismayed at what he saw along with the other 71 million viewers.
Joe Biden might give one heck of a knuckle sandwich
Visibly sickened by the rhetoric coming from the GOP’s over-the-top candidate for U.S. president, the nation’s number two pol in Washington shouted down hypothetical queries by reporters over whether or not he wishes it was him debating Trump, not Hillary.
“No … I wish it were high school, and I could take him behind the gym!” Biden shouted.
We’d pay money to see that one, Joe.
Ladies and gentlemen, here to field your questions at the White House
Bill Murray!