It came as a surprise to many when it was revealed earlier in the week that the Clintons will be attending Donald Trump’s inauguration on the 20th, after Hillary’s stunning loss on Nov. 8 led many news outlets to put the writing on the wall a little early.

“Defeat likely spells the end of Clinton Dynasty,” wrote the New York Post.
“With defeat certain, a likely end to a Clinton dynasty,” said USA Today.
“The Fall of the House of Clinton,” opined Vanity Fair.

And yet, no one can be for sure what’s in store for the Clintons now that their appearances are more in the form of social media captures walking their dogs in the Chappaqua woods.

It’s worth asking what’s in store for the Clintons, as strong currents in the Democratic Party are moving in from the left wing to usurp establishment figures loyal to their ’90s brand of neoliberalism.

NYC Mayor Hillary Clinton?

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Yes, you read that right. If anything — and even President-elect Trump admits this — Hillary is a fighter. Rumors of her potentially planning to run for mayor of New York City began circulating around the web in early January.

According to a Democratic source within the New York political scene, she is already talking with consultants of a run. “She is wildly popular among New Yorkers — so much so that were she to file, [Mayor Bill] de Blasio would have to file his retirement papers on the same day,” the source told Newsmax.

Indeed, she remains wildly popular in New York City — where she beat Trump with more than 78 percent of the vote. If the rumors turn out to be true, it might be that the Clintons aren’t ready to stand idly and watch the fall of their family dynasty. It could also buy Chelsea time to mature into a role of a more political nature.

An outdated brand of liberalism

In a recent interview with NPR, Sen. Bernie Sanders pinned the big November loss on the Clintons and cited the Democrats as being “out of touch” with the needs of ordinary Americans.

“Look, you can’t simply go around to wealthy people’s homes raising money and expect to win elections,” he said on the “Morning Edition” broadcast. “You’ve got to go out and mix it up and be with ordinary people.”

It was a direct shot at Clinton’s campaign, and the Democrats’ prevailing philosophy. Sanders is leading the flank from the far left, followed by rising stars like Cory Booker, who is joined by Elizabeth Warren in leading the early field for 2020 presidential nominees.

Their rise in the party would mark a shift from, and perhaps end to, the “limousine liberalism” that supposedly contributed to 2016’s epic fail.

What will Chelsea do?



Former first daughter Chelsea Clinton may be the family’s last glimmer of hope to carry the torch and keep the Clinton brand alive, and sources say that she is being groomed for a run at a U.S. congressional seat — possibly as early as 2018.

The New York Post quoted sources close to Chelsea as saying she would be “the next extension of the Clinton brand,” and represents the best chance for a continuity of her father and mother’s legacy both in New York and on Capitol Hill.

“There has been a lot of speculation within New York Democratic circles about [U.S. Rep Nita] Lowey’s retirement and Chelsea running for the seat,” the source went on to say.

“There is a belief that Chappaqua is a logical place for Chelsea to run,” — referring to the area where the Clintons have been spotted walking their dogs — “because it would be straightforward for her to raise money and build a powerful base.”