How does a Republican establishment cope with a real-estate baron who has hijacked their party and led a rebellion of angry conservatives who have lost all faith in Washington’s ability to create law and order?

Well, onoany of them have done the unthinkable and supported Hillary Clinton.

At many points throughout the primary season, it appeared as if GOP operatives had been stuck on who best to back in order to challenge Trump, their version of Frankenstein’s monster. First it was Jeb Bush, and when he was rejected by voters it was fellow Floridian Marco Rubio, and finally Ted Cruz took the mantle before fizzling out on the campaign trail and ending things with a bang at the Republican National Convention.

GOP chairman Reince Priebus, however, has warned of consequences for those who don’t finally rally behind the Republican nominee.

Here we take a look back at some of the leaders of the #NeverTrump movement, now breathing its dying breaths as billionaire works his way into striking distance in the swing states that will decide the election

Former CIA spy makes one last charge

The #NeverTrump crowd still has Evan McMullin, former CIA operative turned House staffer who took up where Ted Cruz left off and is fighting to get his name on the ballot in many states over a notion of defending conservative morals. But most of the GOP insiders backing him, such as Bill Kristol, were banking on Trump losing massive ground in what is now a tightening race. McMullin doesn’t even register on polls, polls that show libertarian Gary Johnson with about 8 percent support nationally. He has barely registered on the multimedia radar since first making a splash back in August with his campaign announcement.

The small-town native of Washington state raised by two mothers can only hope that between Johnson, himself and Dr. Jill Stein that no candidate reaches 270 electoral votes — sending the path to the presidency to Congress for a vote.

Apparently eying 2020, Ted Cruz finally backs Trump

Although he was the chosen one in a mano a mono matchup with his fire-breathing opponent, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas could not garner enough support from outside the evangelical wing of the party to take #NeverTrump to the finish line. Instead, months after GOP rockstar Paul Ryan endorsed Trump, Cruz toiled over “searching his conscience” before finally coming to the conclusion that Trump is what’s best for business.

Jeb Bush, he of political royalty

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush gestures for people to take their seats as he arrives for a campaign event in Salem, N.H., Sunday Feb. 7, 2016. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

Bush, who went out with a whimper early on in the primaries with single-digit support, has still not to this day backed the Republican nominee. Jeb(!) has suggested that he would vote for down-ticket conservatives who mirror his family’s principled  brand of conservatism. However, his son George P. Bush — a rising star in the Texas GOP and current land commissioner of the Lone Star state — has openly urged conservatives to do the deed and back the anti-establishment billionaire.

Marco Rubio for Senate!

After putting the #NeverTrump supporters out on a lonely island, Rubio maintained that he would return to being a private citizen several times over. It was only after many within the GOP had urged him to run for re-election, including Trump himself, that he started another campaign to win back his Senate seat in Washington, D.C. Rubio enjoys a small lead over his Democratic rival, after announcing his support for Trump in a reversal from his initial position while quarterbacking the #NeverTrump movement.