Everyone has heard it by now: From catchy slogan on a baseball cap, to a key promise on the legislative front, one Donald Trump has spoken to blue-collar voters and rural Americans everywhere who just want things to return to the way they were.

Back to the times Terry Bradshaw threw touchdown’s behind the Steel Curtain, when steel was being made in America. Back when “Made in America” was a proud staple in storefronts from Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon. The voters across the Rust Belt and the South and Midwest all decided to elect Trump on that very basis, hoping that it would mean jobs.

But guess what? The now-famous campaign slogan is actually a blast from the past:

Who said it first

It was actually the campaign slogan of oft-heralded conservative, Ronald Reagan. He promised to deliver on tax cuts, job creation and limited government and it helped him to defeat Jimmy Carter back in 1980.

When Reagan said it, he was potentially referring to a 1950s “Mad Men” America in which the Recession of the 1980s had not yet hit, and corresponding stagflation and unemployment. After ushering in proposals that would rejuvenate the economy, Trump appears to refer to this time in the late-80s.

Enough voters believe in his restorative effort to give Trump a pass on the rhetoric that those on the left believe will leave us divided.

What would make America so much greater than it is now?

That is a subject of debate. For promoters of social inclusion, Trump’s rhetoric is seen as blind to ongoing social problems of discrimination and a lack of equal opportunity in the work force.


And, as the workforce grows and matures, highly skilled labor in the tech sector grows in demand while blue-collar jobs in manufacturing remain on the decline. Like Reagan, Trump promises to cut regulations enough to allow businesses an opportunity to hire workers and create new opportunities.

That is what Reagan did. How much of his “greatness” can be rekindled by Trump remains to be seen, but a look at his plan for the first 100 days reveals a mighty amount of ambition.