It’s been one week after another without a formal press conference from President-elect Donald Trump, who with just this maneuver is breaking with tradition — as he has promised to do time and again.

But perhaps @realDonaldTrump, whose disdain for the mass media is shared by his base, would do good to remember something he noted just this past May:  “Crooked Hillary should be admonished for not having a press conference in 179 days.”

Twitter/Donald Trump

Twitter/Donald Trump

Hillary might’ve been crooked, but for The Donald, it’s been one task after another in draining the swamp.

How long’s it been, Don?

It’s now been more than 160 days since the president-elect had a formal presser, and this comes after the announcement he made of a “major news conference” that was to be held in mid-December a full two weeks before Christmas.

It didn’t happen.

Now, it looks like, we’ll have one in mid-January — barely a week before he is set to take the oath of office on Inauguration Day.

A new relationship between the White House and the press corps

As John Oliver noted back in August, it’s mostly up to reporters on hand from statehouses to the White House in order to relay information back to the public on the contents of meetings between politicians, proposals on the table that affect the public, and potential rule breakers who must be held accountable for living under the law they are responsible for writing.

But Trump has shown a disregard for that tradition, preferring instead to address the public himself on social media such as Twitter.

It’s led to speculation over the Tweeter-in-Chief and how he’ll handle media business once he gets down to business, and that’s something Vice President-elect promised to do on “day one” in his own press conference as part of the House GOP Leadership Conference on Wednesday.

“The answer here is bold action, solve problems, bring relief to Americans,” he told reporters. It remains to be seen what Trump has in store for the press as he gears up for his stated Jan. 11 event.