As Donald Trump’s transition team continues its meetings with top Republicans as he continues his effort do drain the swamp, the fog is clearing each day with new Cabinet members emerging from a long list of candidates who have been meeting with the president-elect and his VP-elect Mike Pence.

This week, we’ll see more appointees — some of which will most likely have to be confirmed by the Senate.

The Democrats will also start mounting their case to the American people, following the fourth straight election shedding Democrat seats in the Senate, and facing yet another minority in Congress.

An autopsy might reveal that their economic message needs sharpening, and that flyover country is sick of feeling neglected by its elected leaders.

Where will the Democrats go from here?

The Democratic National Committee will select its new chairman in February. With a new Senate minority leader in Chuck Schumer, the House will also need a minority leader. Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota has emerged as the favorite to take over the powerful position, and should increasingly be stating his positions to the public.

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi is being challenged by Ohio Democrat Tim Ryan to take the reins of minority leader. “How bad does it have to get?” he asked over the weekend, referring to an economic message gone amiss with the American people. The more progressive wing of the party is vocal about their influence on the party moving forward.

Retired military generals named to Trump’s cabinet?

Retired Marine Corps Gen. James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis is emerging as a favorite for Donald Trump’s Secretary of Defense, after Trump called his weekend meeting with the veteran “very impressive.” Mattis served for 44 years in the military, and played a key role as a commander during the fall of Fallujah.

Trump also met with Gen. James Kelly over the weekend, who could play a key role in his administration. Kelly, the former head of U.S. Southern Command, held court over a “a frank discussion about the global national security situation in the United States and various areas of conflict in the Middle East.”

Who will be Trump’s secretary of state?

After the Romney meeting, nothing much is for sure except for one thing: In true Trumpian fashion, the announcement will come after a long pause and building suspense.

GOP stalwarts Rudy Giuliani, Chris Christie and John Bolton have also been rumored to be in contention for the top diplomatic post, although Vice President-elect Pence said that Romney has emerged as a person “under active and serious consideration.” Meanwhile, President Obama has been working hard to ensure global leaders that our allies will continue to be supported, and that Trump will uphold the pacts that bind NATO and other alliances.

A Thanksgiving break

According to POLITICO, Trump will be spending this Thanksgiving at his famous Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. Meanwhile, Pence and his family will travel to Mississippi by Wednesday for a pause in the politics of presidential transitioning.

Asked what Trump intends to do over Thanksgiving, spokesman Jason Miller said: “Hopefully eating some turkey.”