On a night in early March not long after New Jersey Gov. Chris Chrsitie had quit the race, he appeared at a press event designed to double as a victory lap following a string of Super Tuesday wins by the mercurial Donald Trump.

At the time, Trump had been all but counted out by “serious pundits” from east to west. After the presser, #FreeChrisChristie started trending on Twitter.

Why? Because the 54 year-old looked like he was a prisoner in his own skin.


“Tonight is the beginning of Donald Trump bringing the Republican Party together,” he said at the time.

Whether or not he was joking depends upon who you ask, but most believed at the time Christie was positioning himself to take the VP nomination. Unfortunately for the ‘Bridgegate’ enabler, becoming the first in a long line of establishment Republicans to eventually throw their support behind Trump did not mean he’d win the veepstakes.

The governor was “livid” when he found out Mike Pence of Indiana was chosen instead. But he was never Trump’s first pick. At one point, the GOP nominee even looked at Chrstie and said, “get on the plane and go home.”

Talk about playing second fiddle. Yeesh.

Watch Gov. Chris Christie’s weird endorsement of Donald Trump: