We’re just days away from Donald Trump’s inauguration, and as usual it’s been his rampant tweeting that’s designated the headlines in news cycles for much of the past week:


That caused GM’s stock to decline by 24 cents a share, sending other automakers into a P.R. frenzy to rectify their image with the American public and ensure investment in the declining Detroit areas where industry outsourcing has led to a plethora of job losses, municipal bankruptcy, and urban decay.

Indeed, the time is nigh for Trump to deliver on his promise to Make America Great Again for these Rust Belt voters, and the world is watching as to whether or not he can follow through.

Meanwhile, Meryl Streep is none too pleased.

Here’s three things to know for the week of Jan. 9:

President-elect Donald Trump gets roasted at Golden Globes

In addition to some tongue-in-cheek comparisons by Jimmy Fallon to the evil boy king of “Game of Thrones,” which did not win awards at the show — in fact, HBO was blanked for the first time in recent memory — Hollywood also took some less comedic approaches to Trump takedowns, led by none other than Meryl Streep.

“I’m concerned that somebody with a platform like Meryl Streep is also, I think, inciting people’s worst instincts,” Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway said on Monday morning.

Of course, @realDonaldTrump also weighed in on the matter.

Democrats worried Senate confirmations will be rushed

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has voiced concern over the pace at which some of Trump’s Cabinet picks will be vetted, with thorough background checks being a sticking point for Democrats unwilling to rush through the hearings without a strong vetting process.

Each nominee is set to go through a hearing with select senate committees, and must be confirmed — but nothing can be official until Trump is sworn in on Jan. 20.

Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions, Secretary of State pick Rex Tillerson, and CIA Director nominee Mike Pompeo all face potential backlash from Democrats that Mitch McConnell say need to grow up.

New White House Chief of Staff declares Trump ready to accept intelligence on Russian hacking

Reince Priebus — RNC chairman turned Trump Chief of Staff — has declared that his new boss “is not denying that entities in Russia were behind this particular hacking campaign,” indicating a reversal of the position the president-elect had staked out last week amidst a steady diet of details over the Kremlin’s involvement in a hacked email campaign.

Still, Trump touts his blowout electoral college win as an indicator of voters looking for change.

In a press release last week, Mr. Trump did finally admit, “Russia, China, other countries, outside groups and people are consistently trying to break through the cyber infrastructure of our governmental institutions, businesses and organizations including the Democrat National Committee.”

The incoming administration has yet to declare for sure whether or not it will take actions against outside actors, while Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has assured audiences their information did not come from a government party.