There’s still plenty of drama to document following the still-shocking election results from Nov. 8, whereby blustering businessman Donald Trump outmaneuvered political pro Hillary Clinton in one of the greatest political upset victories ever.

Some folks are still having trouble accepting the results. Enter: Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who got a grand total of — percent of the popular vote, is demanding a recount.

Here’s that and three other things to know for the week of Nov. 28:

A $7 million effort to undo the American elections

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Press photo (Jill Stein)

After having raised the $4.6 million of the $7 million required to force a recount in the states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan — a region where Trump ousted Clinton by merely more than 100,000 votes — Jill Stein, M.D. has received a windfall of support from left-leaning groups.

They’re looking to disrupt the election process and force a hand-count of ballots cast on Election Day, following rumors of Russian interference. The Clinton campaign, however, sounds less than enthusiastic about the process.

“Because we had not uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology,” campaign spokesman Marc Elias wrote, “we had not planned to exercise this option ourselves.”

Young Cuban-Americans ponder active role in reshaping island’s politics

Flickr/Waiting for Godot

Flickr/Waiting for Godot

Following the death of Cuban revolutionary and communist dictator Fidel Castro, Cuban-Americans of the millennial generation have begun an active conversation over the role they will play in helping reshape the society of their homeland.

CubaOne, an organization which aims to reconnect Cuban-Americans to their heritage, is helping to facilitate the connect between the millennial generation and the island’s culture and its people. “There’s been a shift of millennial Cuban-Americans, who are more open to President Obama’s policies,” CubaOne’s founder, Cherie Cancio, told ABC News.

That shift, coupled with an aging communist regime led by Castro’s brother Raul and open relations with America, could lead to a geopolitical shift helmed by the younger generation. Some still worry how Trump’s administration will handle the newly established diplomatic ties, however.

Mitt Romney scheduled to meet Trump this week following internal backlash

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

It’s rumored that President-elect Trump is “furious” over former campaign manager Kellyanne Conway hitting the airwaves to expose an internal rift that pits people in The Donald’s inner circle against Republican establishment figure and 2012 presidential nominee, Mitt Romney.

That won’t stop the pair from meeting on Tuesday, according to POLITICO, after the Never Trump ringleader somehow emerged at the top of the next president’s list of potential nominees for secretary of state.

The former Massachusetts governor is reportedly ahead of former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Gen. David Petraeus in the running for America’s top diplomatic post. Outgoing secretary of state John Kerry is also a failed former presidential candidate, who replaced Hillary Clinton after the Benghazi escapade forced her to step down.